Thai Poster Boy

Thai Poster Boy

Solo Exhibitions

October 16th
November 6, 2008
  Galerie Dentaire
1239, rue Amherst, Montréal, QC H2L 3K9
Sept. 2006   "Les images: The Art of Peter Flinsch"
The Leslie-Lohman Gay Art Foundation
26 Wooster Street, New York, NY 10013
Phone: 212-431-2609 Fax: 212-431-2666

July 2005   Galerie Dentaire
1239, rue Amherst, Montréal, QC H2L 3K9
16 April - 19 June 2005   "Flesh and Fantasy"
Galerie Harwood
3663 Harwood Drive
Hudson, Quebec
Canada J0P 1H0
Dec 1 2001 Librairie L'Androgyne
along with David Leddick who was launching his new book "Male Nude Now". Two of Peter Flinsch's works appear in the book.

October 2000 O'Connor-A Gallery
145 Berkeley St. Suite 100
Toronto, ON
M5A 2X1
Tel: 416-921-7149
August 2000 Schwules Museum
Mehringdamm 61
10961 Berlin
+49-30-61 20 22 89
Mar 14 to Apr 23  2000 The Leslie-Lohman Gay Art Foundation
26 Wooster Street, New York, NY 10013
(Between Grand & Canal)
Hours: 12 Noon - 6pm, Tue - Sat
Closed: Sun & Mon & all major holidays
Phone: 212-431-2609 Fax: 212-431-2666
Dec 1999 to Feb 2000 Écomusée du Fier Monde,  Montreal
1998 The Joan St. Leger Lindbergh Art Foundation,
Cape Town R.S.A.
1996 O'Connor-A Gallery
145 Berkeley St. Suite 100
Toronto, ON
M5A 2X1
Tel: 416-921-7149
Galerie Janssen, Berlin
The Leslie-Lohman Gay Art Foundation, New York

Galerie Wiethoff, Düsseldorf

O'Connor-a Gallery, Toronto
1990 Galerie Janssen, Berlin
Maison de Radio-Canada, Montreal    

Goethe Institute, Montreal    
Galerie Art-Jeunesse, Montreal
1987 Galerie Janssen. Berlin
1986 Galerie Wiethoff. Düsseldorf
1985 Maison de Radio-Canada, Montreal
Galerie Janssen, Berlin
Galerie Doerner, Hagen
1983 Hochhuth Galerie, Hamburg
1982 Galerie Anstoss, Berlin
Maison de Radio-Canada, Montreal
1981 Rob Gallery, Amsterdam
J. Frederic Lohman Gallery, New York
Galerie Wiethoff, Düsseldorf
1980 Les Ballets Jazz, Montreal    
1979 Galerie André-Georges, Montreal
Gadatsy Gallery, Toronto
1978 Hochhuth Galerie. Hamburg    
Galerie Wiethoff,  Düsseldorf
Maison de Radio-Canada, Montreal
1977 Galeria La Grotta, Gelsenkirchen
Gadatsy Gallery, Toronto
J. Frederic Lohman Gallery, New York
1976 Maison de Radio-Canada, Montreal
DeDeNovum Galerie, Düsseldorf
J. Frederic Lohman Gallery, New York
1975 Hochhuth Galerie. Hamburg    
1974 Samo Art Gallery, Toronto
Goethe Institute, Montreal
1973 Galerie Doerner, Hagen
Galerie Heiden, Lubeck

Group Exhibitions

2004   Le corps et les fantasmes, Galerie Harwood, Hudson, Quebec
1999 The Leslie-Lohman Gay Art Foundation, New York
1995 Galerie Janssen, Berlin
1994 The Leslie-Lohman Gay Art Foundation, New York
1978 McLaughlin Library, Oshawa, Ontario
1977 The National Museum of Sport, New York
1975 Goethe Institute, Montreal
1974 Mido Gallery, Vancouver, B.C.
1972 Galerie Ars Classica, Montreal
1964 Mount Royal Art Centre, Montreal